Sunday 2 August 2009

Family Matters

Today there was no crafting, because my mum, brother and i went to the Bermonsey Square Hotel to meet my cousins who were down from Scotland for the weekend. I was lovely to meet up and have lunch. I have to say the food and service were wonderful (especially the dessert- yum!). But the most interesting part was talking about family stories.

We are all interested in family history but also in conserving the lives and memories of the older generation. As our family has expanded and the years have passed suddenly we realise that we have miss the chance to talk to the elder members of our family and to ask the questions that are important to us. It is a sad loss.

However hopefully we can record our own lives to leave to our grand-children. Who will probably find them as strange, as my children found the fact that in the first house i can remember there was no electric just gas mantles for light and a radio with an accumulator to charge it.

When my mum has finished her memory jar questions, I am going to answer the same questions, then after me my daughter. Hopefully one day we will have a record of our family that covers more than just three generations and is of interest to our future relatives.
Even if it is just for a laugh at all the strange things that happen in our normal lives. Maybe I can get an explanation for the interesting head gear in all my baby photos!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Roxy,

    how fantastic!!!! great to see your useing the jas as it should be, what a great tresure that will be to your family in the years to come xx

    keep up the good work hun x

    Love Claire xx
