Thursday, 7 January 2010

Happy New Year

I thought about resolutions but i only want to improve my crafting. I wish everyone a great new year.
I hope that this year will be a good one, althought the snow is a really bad start. I love it when it first comes and everywhere is white and clean, but once the snow turns to ice i am soo over it.
i am making an effort to scan lots of my fathers old papers. He was a soldier when he was young and an athlete. My mother discovered some very old newspaper clippings and his old army pay book after he died. I used that last year to claim his medals for her, this year i want too scan the papers and them she can give them to my brother with his medals and i will still have a copy. I hope that they can be passed on down the family.
The document above was from when he served in India. I like that oone of the subjects in his examination was Army and Empire, if i had known this paper exsisted when he was alive i would have loved to ask him what else they did there. I know he spoke some words of urdu that he learned there, but not much else.