Tuesday, 17 November 2009

Halloween is Fun!

I have added a little Halloween Scrap blog at the bottom of the page just for fun :)

The Cyber Crop at UKScrappers

A whole week end of Scrapping and beautiful classes, i was so happy with the results i got too. I had really looked forward to Ifa's class and i was not disappointed it was lovely.
There was much cussing and tutting over the Days Til Christmas Class by Di O and though it was messy to do the result was lovely and i will be hanging it on the wall over xmas with pride.

So many of the classes were lovely but i also loved the bright and cheery Layout that i did for the lollipop guild class by Michelle Jackson-Mogford (MJM).

Friday, 6 November 2009

Hurray it is nearly time for a cyber crop!

Just completed my precrop challenge for the UKS cybercrop, the subject was Home so of course my layout shows the people that spell home to me. I had some fun making a little house to put on the LO. Also i found a nice BoBunny swirl and a sticker that says "Family is the center of life's meaning". With a title from Thickers, and a piece of old ribbon to finish it off, I finished up with a layout I am quite pleased with.

UKS weekly challenge

This weeks challenge had 8 or more different options and as I couldn't make my mind up I went to Scrapblogger and did it as a digital layout. It is easier to play around when you are not ripping up real paper and paint.